A collage of photographs from various library events.
Fun @ Your Library!
Check out our calendar of events to see what fun is planned at your Highland County libraries!

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Leesburg Library Trick or Treat

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Trick or Treat at the Leesburg Library from 6-7 PM on Thursday, October 29.

Merry Money Signups - Lynchburg Branch

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  Age Groups


Kids from age 3 to 6th grade may sign up for our Merry Money program. At signup, the child will receive a reading log. Every 30 minutes the child reads (or is read to), he or she earns $1 in Merry Money to be spent at the Lynchburg Library Christmas Gift Shop in December.

Greenfield Library Christmas Shop

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  Age Groups


Greenfield Library Christmas Shop will be Dec. 12 from 10 - 2.  This is for all those who have signed up and have earned Merry Money from Christmas Reading Program. 

Leesburg Veteran Appreciation Days

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  Age Groups


Leesburg area veterans are invited to stop by the Leesburg Library to pick up a Veteran Goodie Bag made especially to thank them for their service.

Leesburg Jingle Books @ the Library

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  Age Groups


Jingle Books day is only for children who have previously signed up for the holiday reading program and have turned in their reading logs.

Leesburg Family Fun Night

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  Age Groups


Come to the library and make a gingerbread house with your family.  There will be Christmas stories, snacks and lots of fun.  Please sign up at the front desk by Friday, December 4.

Leesburg Luminaria

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  Age Groups


Luminaria open house at the library from 5:30-6:30 pm.  The king and queen will be presented at 5:45 PM.