A collage of photographs from various library events.
Fun @ Your Library!
Check out our calendar of events to see what fun is planned at your Highland County libraries!

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Leesburg Appalachian Paranormal Explorations Program

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Get your spooky on with the Appalachian Paranormal Explorations group.  They will be talking about their ghost hunting adventures in this area.

Leesburg Trick or Treat

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  Age Groups


Trick or Treat at the Leesburg Library from 6-7 PM.

Hillsboro Santa's Workshop Reading Program

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


The Hillsboro Public Library Christmas Reading Program is for ages 2 through 6th grade. Sign up at the Children's Desk to receive a reading log. For every 10 lines you fill in with books you read, you receive a golden ticket (show a librarian your reading log). When you have earned 5 golden tickets, you will be able to visit with Santa and make crafts at the Hillsboro Public Library on December 10, 2016, 10 am - 3 pm. Reading logs due by December 3, 2016.

Leesburg Veteran's Appreciation Coffee Klatch

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  Age Groups


All Leesburg Area Veterans are invited to join us on Wednesday, November 9 from 9-10 AM for coffee and donuts in our community room.

Lynchburg Pageturners Book Club

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  Age Groups


The Pageturners Book Club of the Lynchburg Branch Library will meet on Monday, December 5, 2016 at 10am. We will discuss The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton. All are welcome!

Lynchburg - Last Day to Pick Up Merry Money!

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


All participants in our Merry Money program must finish the reading and pick up the money by the end of the day - 3pm - on Saturday, November 26. Please remember that this will be Thanksgiving weekend, so if you are going to be out of town, arrange to pick your money up sooner!

Leesburg Get Frozen Christmas Reading Program

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  Age Groups


This program is only for children who previously signed up for the holiday reading program and turned in their reading logs.

Hillsboro Story Time Ages 0-2

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  Age Groups


Theme: Snow

Hillsboro Story Time Ages 3-5

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  Age Groups


Theme: Snow

Hillsboro Story Time Ages 0-2

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  Age Groups


Theme: Gingerbread