A collage of photographs from various library events.
Fun @ Your Library!
Check out our calendar of events to see what fun is planned at your Highland County libraries!

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Leesburg Library Internet

The internet at the Leesburg Library is currently out. We are working on a fix and apologize for the inconvenience. You can still check out items, return items, and print (as long as you don't need the internet to access the document). In the meantime, the internet at the other four Highland County District Library locations is up and running, so feel fee to stop by and use the computers!

AAARC Black History Program

The African American Awareness Research Council and the Highland County District Library will present a Black History program honoring Reverend Wendell Harewood and the 2020-21 AAARC Scholarship recipients on Saturday, June 19th, with guest speaker Dr. Craig McKinney. The program will be held at the Hillsboro Church of the Nazarene beginning at 1:00 p.m. For those wishing to attend via Zoom, the link is provided below. Those attending in-person are encouraged to wear a face mask if not vaccinated. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89170360497?pwd=Y3dva1RZaXhvYVg0cnY2bThtcTdDZz09