Annual Report 2008



Highland County District Library
10 Willettsville Pike
Hillsboro, Ohio 45133
FAX: 937-393-2985


Fred Yochum, President
Jeff Cloud, Vice President
Margaret Hudson, Secretary
Stephen Hunter
Sara Lukens
Craig Turner
Gary West
Jennifer West, Director

Emily Evans, Clerk-Treasurer
Margaret Magee, Greenfield Branch Manager
Sharon Aukeman, Leesburg Branch Manager
Elaine Williams, Lynchburg Branch Manager

Table of Contents:



Highland County District Library Annual  Report  2008

Jennifer West, Director

2008 was a year of surprises and preparation. We had expected a smooth transition of receiving our tax distribution through Ohio's general revenue tax, not just personal income tax. This change was to broaden the public library funding base and provide an opportunity for future growth. However in February public libraries were advised to prepare for reduced tax revenue, as layoffs and foreclosures had their effect. The situation was impacted by library funding having been frozen since 2001 while the cost of materials, services, computers, utilities, and property maintenance and insurance continued to rise.

We had to make some hard decisions in order to prepare for the difficult economic times being forecast while continuing to serve the public which is our mission. In June 2008, the Highland County District Library changed the hours that it was open to the public. The four libraries now open an hour later and the branches close earlier on some days.

As predicted, the 2008 tax distribution was less than what was received in the previous year, and 2008 ended with a warning from the Ohio Library Council to plan for 6 to 8% less in funding from the receipts in 2008. In short, public library funding has been reduced due to the downturn in the economy, not actual cuts, an important distinction.

Our library is a very busy place as this difficult economic time affects the state and our patrons. We meet new people every day. Our circulation has risen to 672,197, an increase of 20, 676 items (3%) from the 2007 circulation figures. Our computers were used 49,943 times in 2008, a slight dip from 50,347 times in 2007. This might be related to the fact that all four HCDL locations now offer wireless access to the public. If a patron brings in their own equipment, we are not checking a computer out to them. This also frees up a library computer for someone else to use.

We continue to partner with state and local organizations. Brenda Fisher and I attended meetings for the proposed Statewide Resource Sharing project and "Connect Ohio", a public-private partnership working to get broadband services across Ohio. We also promote the services of the One Stop Center, a wonderful organization with the staff and resources to help people search for jobs, distribute their resumes, and learn job skills.

The library website is linked to other websites to help people look for employment, file for unemployment benefits, and contact Ohio's Winter Heating Resource Center. A representative from the Highland County Community Action organization visits each of the libraries to help people register for benefits, assistance and food stamps.

The Hillsboro meeting room is used for library story times and programs (antique programs, sign language classes, writing groups for adults and teenagers,), as well as by local organizations (the Brush and Palette Art Guild, the Society for Children and Adults, Ohio Virtual Academy, the American Association for University Women, the Audubon Society, tutoring sessions, and the Hillsboro Ohio Ghost Seekers. We also participated in the 2008 Health Fair and the first annual Children's Fair at Highland District Hospital.

We are fortunate to have Carol Cartaino continue her monthly "Let's Write" workshops which are well attended. One of the regular attendees, Donna Patton, was awarded second place in the adult mystery category in the 2008 Genesis Contest. Patton and several of the other "Let's Write" students formed two spin-off groups, a writing criticism group, and "Milk and Cookies," a children's literature group, both of which also meet at the Hillsboro library.

During the summer we had a Teen Summer Reading program at Hillsboro, "Metamorphosis at Your Library". Teens ages 12 through 18 earned "library currency" by reading any books they chose from the library collection. On August 4 they bid on items in an auction run by Glen Hess. Each teen was able to complete a bid and go home with a nice prize and a new experience. Thanks to Mr. Hess and all our donors, and thanks to Donna Stout, Shirley Foster, and Donna O'Dom for organizing the program.

In last year's report I mentioned I was part of a group of local librarians hoping to invite Bill Gates to southern Ohio and ask him for assistance in providing affordable and reliable high speed Internet access. Although we were informed the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is not accepting unsolicited proposals, the Gates Foundation is planning to make grant funds available to replace computer workstations. While it will be awhile before we hear anything definite and the library will need to provide matching dollars over the term of the two year grant, it sounds like an opportunity worth pursuing and we have submitted the information required to begin the process.

Another opportunity for help with funding may come through our new President's administration. The American Library Association's Washington office has been working with President Obama regarding possible funding for public libraries that have "shovel-ready" construction projects. The funding would go to create jobs quickly that would be in the construction industry. I notified the ALA through the State Library of Ohio that we have exactly such a construction project planned and we had been concerned about the economic climate. I also mentioned this project could go a long way towards employing a lot of the workers that were being laid off here and in nearby Wilmington. Again, we are waiting to hear more about this.

2008 ended on a bright note with the Merry Money program. 682 children registered to earn "Merry Money" and a total of $9,372 was redeemed at the Christmas stores. We were able to use the school cafeteria again for the Saturday store, which we really appreciated. We also displayed boxes to support the local Marine Corps Reserve "Toys for Tots" program.

As we enter what promises to be an interesting year, the library staff continues to serve the community with their unfailing expertise, humor, and good will. I appreciate all they do. They are one of the library's greatest resources.


County Population (estimated): 42,833

Circulation: 672,197

Per capita circulation is 15.6 items.


Registered Borrowers:














Equals 58% of Highland County's population


System Circulation:  




Approx. 52 % of total




Approx. 23 % of total




Approx. 12 % of total




Approx. 13 % of total






Highland County District Library, as member of the SEO Library System, shipped 130,863 items among other libraries in the system during 2008. This count includes books shipped among the four Highland County libraries as well.


Average library attendance in a Typical Week



Average Reference Transactions in a Typical Week



Average Non-Reference* Transactions in a Typical Week



(*directional, policy, mechanical)

Computer Use:    
  4,996 Searches done in EBSCO and OPLIN databases
  2,356 Articles accessed
  455 Pages retrieved in Automobile Repair Reference
  10,885 Searches done in Heritage Quest

Citations/Abstracts retrieved

  45,668 Requests were placed through the Web catalog for the year













Adult Programs





Juvenile Programs





Other Locations















Adult Programs





Juvenile Programs





Other Locations















Adult Programs





Juvenile Programs





Other Locations















Adult Programs





Juvenile Programs





Other Locations








System Totals:







Adult Programs





Juvenile Programs





Other Locations



The Storytelling kits reached over 2,400 children in 2008.


Outreach was provided to 639 elderly or disabled residents at Laurels of Hillsboro, Heartland, Highland House and Crestwood nursing homes by Shirley Foster, outreach librarian. In recognition of her outreach efforts, Shirley was named "Citizen of the Month" at the May 2008 Hillsboro City Council meeting. Due to Shirley's creativeness, the library was awarded Second Place in Highland County Domestic Violence organization's Ladder Display contest in October.






Written by Joan Cockerill


2008 was another busy and fun filled year in the children's department. We have five story times scheduled each week for lap babies up to 12 year olds, with additional story times scheduled at the convenience of visiting classes. Once a month we have a special project for our B.A.G. Club who are 8-12 years old, and a special themed story time for 2 to 6 year olds with Miss Colleen who also does our 2 & 3 year old story times, and a once a month Saturday morning story time. Betty Daugherty and Faye Thompson do our 3 to 5 year old story times. Betty also does our 6-10 year olds, our B.A.G. Club, and our monthly outreach story times.

We presented 272 programs and story times in the library in 2008 which were attended by over 3,400 children. Our outreach programs were given to over 1,000 children. Each month we had new themes and fun projects for our story times.

January brought stories about winter, snow, snowmen, and penguins. The 2-6 year olds celebrated Winnie-the-Pooh's birthday with a party and the B.A.G. Club made a gingerbread craft.

In February, we celebrated Black History and Valentine's Day meant story times with red hearts. The children also heard about frogs. The B.A.G. Club had a Valentine Bingo Party.

We celebrated March with windy themes and the B.A.G. Club made wind socks. The children also had fun counting all the leprechauns hiding around the library.

We welcomed April and spring time with a "rub a dub dub" party, rainbow and rain themes and the B.A.G. Club made sun catchers. We celebrated National Library Week with an "I love my library and my library loves me" party. The children also registered for prizes by locating and naming book characters and by designing bookmarks.

May is always a busy month in the children's department. We had stories about Mother's Day, flowers, and bugs to get ready for the Summer Reading Club as the theme was "Buggy about Books". We passed out information about our summer activities to Bright Local School, Highland County Christian School, St. Mary's Catholic school, Hillsboro preschools, Head Start and the Hillsboro Elementary School. Our Summer Reading program was kicked off with a "Buggy Blast" of games, stories and crafts.

June really got our Summer Reading started with Jim Kleefeld and his "Insect Magic Show". We ordered Monarch Butterfly larvae and watched them grow into caterpillars, form chrysalis and hatch into butterflies. The children had stories about butterflies, insects and other bugs. The 2-6 year olds had a Miss Spider party and the B.A.G. Club made a bug cage and had an "Ants in Your Pants" party.

We had several guests in July. Hurd Latimer brought bugs for the children to see and hold while he related interesting facts about them. Mr. Higgins brought a bee hive and told children and adults the benefits of bee products. He also let one of the children dress as a beekeeper and hold bees. Meaghan Sutherland came from the Ohio State University and brought a variety of insects for the children to see and hold while she gave facts about them. We released our Monarch butterflies that evening. The B.A.G. Club enjoyed a buggy pizza party and the younger children had a bug hunt.

Over 700 children signed up to read with us during our Summer Reading Club, which continued through June and July. We concluded the program with a visit from Ronald McDonald. He provided a fun filled evening and stressed the benefits of reading.

In September we welcomed the children back with a chance to win school supplies and celebrated Library Card Month by giving a book to everyone who got their first library card. The children heard stories about going back to school, autumn, and apples. Nurse Melanie Phillips read to the children and told them about the importance of washing their hands to get rid of germs. The children were surprised to see there could still be germs on their hands after washing by putting them under a special light.

The Greenfield Fire Department visited us in October for fire safety month. The children saw how a fireman would dress and sound like if there was a fire at their house. The children also got to practice leaving a smoke filled room in the smoke trailer. We also celebrated October with pumpkins and scarecrow crafts. Dawna Jo Kiesling set up a nutritional display with information and recipes.

Registration for our Merry Money Christmas Club began on October 1st. Children from age 3 to grade 6 signed up to earn "Merry Money" for every 30 minutes that they read and recorded in their logs.

In November the Astra Club from the high school presented a Super Heroes night with games, trivia, crafts and a costume contest. Story times themes centered around Native Americans, pilgrims, turkeys and Thanksgiving. The 2-6 year olds had a Teddy Bear picnic and the B.A.G. Club made a Native American craft.

The "Merry Money" Christmas Store was open the first Saturday in December and then on Monday and Tuesday evenings of the following week. The children had an exciting time redeeming their "money" buying gifts for their family and friends. We had 351 children sign up for the program and they earned over $5,000 in "Merry Money". All the money was spent except for $39.

The2-6 year olds had a gingerbread baby party and the B.A.G. Club learned about the legend of the "Christmas Pickle". Dawna Jo Kiesling again came with healthy information and recipes.

Through out the year we had a variety of passive programs for the children with over 6,000 children participating.

During 2008, 194 of our teacher storytelling kits were checked out and shared with over 2,400 children. We dedicated 20 books to new babies.





Written by Margaret Magee


2008 at the Greenfield Branch Library was a very busy, but a really great year! Our stats show a circulation of 154,361. We presented 237 programs for children, teens, and adults with an in-house attendance of 4,163.


Our adult programs included: WCET Ready to Learn workshops for preschool parents and caregivers, the Bookworms adult book discussion group, Beginning and Internet computer classes, monthly Stroke Support Group – Greenfield Area Medical Center, monthly Adult Craft Club did projects to include: Making bath salts, ribbon embroidery, calligraphy, silk flowers topiary, decoupage basket – Terri McGlaughlin, Milkweed pod Poinsettias – Teena Thornton, Perennial exchange, Book Sales, Summer Reading contests, CPR classes presented by Debbie Hensley, two Job Fairs presented by Accel, monthly Senior Citizen's Library Morning, Teacher Appreciation Breakfast, Tax Aide by AARP, Summer Reading Kick-off Cookout, Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health program, Paranormal Scientific Investigators – Donnie Shepherd & Mark Stewart, Art Classes – Donna Hisey, Genealogy Club headed by Earlene Scott, Teddy Bear program by Brenda Armstrong, Sign Language classes by Molly Clevinger, Fishing program by Hurd Latimer, Lavender program by Neal & Debbie Cook, Job searching & resumes by Rob Moffatt, Gardening by Brad Greene, Comic Book collecting by Mark Stewart, Eat Well On Less by Dawna Jo Kiesling, and Recycling by Dori Bishop.


Our teen YAB group had a busy year. They got together to plan children and teen events. Thy helped with children's library camp in the summer, they also presented programs for children, and presented a skit at the elementary school to promote Summer Reading – "Catch the Reading Bug".


Children had lots of programming as well. There were 3 story hours each week for ages 2 to grade 6, and Head Start story times. Summer Reading programs, "Horton Hears a Who" promotion and Season Reading Christmas Club were the most popular. We had a yearly attendance of 745 Head Start children attending story hours. We gave school class, 4_h, Scout troop, Preschool and club tours and programs. We also had a Library Summer Camp with 89 registered, Kid's Craft Club and the Christmas Gift Shop.

We have worked with many local agencies to provide more and better services. These include: Edgewood Manor, Hearth 'N Care, Greenfield Area Medical Center, City of Greenfield, Highland County Community Action, Concerned Veterans of Greenfield, Greenfield Head Start, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Highland County Extension Service, CET, Greenfield McClain faculty, AARP, Highland County Board of Elections, Rotary Club, Lion's Club, Greenfield Area Merchants Association, Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health, Buckskin School, Greenfield Soccer Association, Ohio Coalition for Children with Disabilities, AAUW, and others.


We received donations from many local businesses and clubs including: Wal-Mart, VFW Post 4736, Greenfield Rotary Club, Altrusa, Greenfield Lion's Club, McDonalds, Greenfield Mothers Club, Robbins Village Florist, Subway, KFC/Taco Bell, Domino's, Star Cinema, Karen Wilson, and other patron gifts.


There were many wonderful displays in our showcase this year. Genealogy Research ideas by Earlene Scott, Love Your Library Month display by 6 of our patron families, Teddy Bears by Brenda Armstrong, GAMC Stroke Support Month, Boy Scout Memorabilia by Jake Roe, Constitution Week, Fall Photography by Cheryl Collier, Recycling by Dori Bishop, Healthy Eating by Dawna Jo Kiesling, Christmas Readings and Greetings by the Greenfield Library Staff. Other displays included: Head Start "Week of the Child" art, Art display by the library art class taught by Dianna Hisey and "Picturing America" display from the American Library Association.


Our community room has been in continual use this year. Besides all of our library programming, many community groups have used the room for their meetings and events.


It has been a very busy and exciting year. A great staff, wonderful patrons, and a caring community all work together to make a tremendous team to enhance our community. I can't wait to see what 2009 will bring!





Written by Sharon Aukeman


The Leesburg Branch Library was a busy place to be in 2008! We provided a variety of services, programs and events for patrons of all ages with excellent participation from the Leesburg community.

Our adult programs took us across the world to Ethiopia with one of our patrons as tour guide and to our own backyard gardens with a master gardener from Ohio State University. We were a very “giving” group as well—we had successful soup, cookie and bread exchanges that were quite tasty, too! Other programs included a painting class, our annual Veteran’s Appreciation Breakfast Program, an English Tea and two programs dealing with Alzheimer’s. We also had former Clinton County Sheriff Patrick Haley speak and do a book signing for his true life account of The Danes Murders.

We enjoy celebrating the holidays here at Leesburg. We had a chocolate fountain during February, Irish delicacies for St. Patrick’s day, Trick or Treat on Beggar’s night, and appetizers and caramel corn during Christmas Luminaria.

We had a very full calendar of Children’s programming this year. Our numbers continued to grow at our story times for Wee Ones (ages 6-36 months) and Tater Tots (ages 3-5 years). Visitors to story time included the Leesburg Fire Department, The Little Red Hen, Alpha Betti, and the beggar who taught the kids to make Stone Soup. We also had great participation in our Summer Reading Program, Catch the Reading Bug. We kicked off the summer with our “Reading is a Picnic” cookout, got “Buggy with Books” with a magician, were introduced to many creepy crawlers and finished with a Backyard Bug Safari. The kids did a great job of reading all summer long and won fun bug-related prizes along the way.

Our third year of participation in Merry Money proved to be a jolly time for all. We had a slight increase in participation from last year. The elves showed up again this year to assist the children in making their purchases in Santa’s Workshop while parents were able to browse our shelves and enjoy some refreshments while they waited for their little shoppers.

Our teen readers participated in their own Summer Reading Program, Metamorphosis at Your Library. They did an excellent job of reading during the summer and winning great prizes, too! During this past year, we started a teen book discussion group called SPARX. We have had steady participation since its inception. The teens continue to encourage friends and schoolmates to join them here at the library for lively discussion and snacks.

Because the library is an important member of the Leesburg community, we try to network with local organizations to provide services and information to our patrons. Some of these programs/organizations this year included Child ID Kits, Computer Education Classes, Teacher Outreach, HCCAO, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Highland County Board of Elections, Lions Club, and Leesburg Soccer Association.

We appreciate the generous support of monetary donations and incentives provided by the many businesses and patrons of the Leesburg community. We are grateful to them for their continued support and generosity. We would also like to thank those patr ns who have displayed items in our show case this year. Collections displayed in 2008 include tea pots, Artisan Folk Fair, Teddy Bears and World’s Fair memorabilia.

Our community room is used by many local organizations such as Retired Teachers, Wednesday Club, Red Hat Club, Artisan Folk Fair committee, Girls Scouts, Soccer Club and Investment Club. Our community room is also used by our adult book group (RRR) and our teen book group (SPARX) as well as our newly formed knitting group (Knit Together).

2008 was an exciting and challenging year for us. Although our hours decreased, our circulation was on the rise. During these busy times, the staff here at Leesburg has continued to remain positive and enthusiastic about providing the best possible service to our patrons. I appreciate their work ethic and their commitment to this library and the Leesburg community.





Written by Elaine Williams

The busy Lynchburg Branch continues to play a vital role in the village and in the communities surrounding Lynchburg. Circulation climbed to 90,019 and in-house children’s programming attendance was up 20% and in-house adult programming attendance soared 41% in 2008. For the first time, we also offered several adult programs outside of the library, with 119 adults in attendance.

Our outreach programming to the schools grew in 2008 to include five presentations to Lynchburg-Clay Elementary third grade classes about Lynchburg history. Former Lynchburg Historical Society member Ruth Ann Moore contributed a third-grade report card from the year 1910 and one from 1922 to be used for the presentation, to the delight of the students. A librarian was on hand for the Lynchburg-Clay Elementary’s open house in the fall this year as well. We also brought two Every Child Ready to Read presentations to the Belfast Head Start parents, and made our usual visits to Head Start for story times and to Lynchburg-Clay Elementary to promote the annual summer reading club.

Since so many of our patrons were affected by the news that a major local employer would be closing in 2009, our branch offered one resume workshop at the library and two at the Employment Center in Hillsboro. Two articles written by Branch Manager Elaine Williams about the Lynchburg Branch’s partnerships with our local history society and the Employment Center have been accepted by editor Carol Smallwood for use in her forthcoming book Librarians as Community Partners: An Outreach Handbook (American Library Association).

Highlights of our programming year included five events jointly offered by the Lynchburg Branch Library and the Lynchburg Historical Society. A group of Civil War re-enactors representing the 48th O.V.V.I. came to speak about this regiment that was raised locally. Highland County historian Jean Wallis brought Lynchburg community artifacts for “Lynchburg Show and Tell.” Author Charlotte Pack spoke about her book Time Travels: 200 Years of Highland County History, with an emphasis on Dodson and neighboring townships. Ralph Vanzant entertained us with his “Highland County Anecdotes,” and Catherine Wilson, Executive Director of the Greene County Historical Society, gave an informative lecture about “Civil War Women: Fashions and Occupations.”

The Summer Reading Club is always a highlight of the programming year as well. 2008 was no exception. Children, teens, and adults all enjoyed the bug-related themes: Catch the Reading Bug; Metamorphosis, and Bug Off: I’m Reading. Live insects invaded the library all summer, from Mr. Higgins’ bees to the exotic mantids and creatures brought to us by an OSU etymology grad student. The teens were challenged during our Bugfeast to eat actual bugs, courtesy of Jungle Jim’s.

Our Merry Money program and annual Christmas Tea wrapped up a very successful and busy year. We would like to thank our patrons and event sponsors and donors for our continuing success, and we look forward to serving you in 2009.


The Programs:


HILLSBORO ADULT PROGRAMS: Computer classes (held at the Highland County Senior Citizen Center); Black History Month program with speaker Hartford Jennings; Jeanne Read, "Antique Evening”; Carol Cartaino, "Let's Write" adult writer's group; Deborah Ozanich, American Sign Language classes;

GREENFIELD ADULT PROGRAMS: CET Ready to Learn workshops for preschool parents and caregivers, the Bookworms adult book discussion group, Beginning and Internet computer classes, monthly Stroke Support Group-Greenfield Area Medical Center, monthly Adult Craft Club, that did projects to include: making bath salts, ribbon embroidery, calligraphy, silk flower topiary, decoupage basket (Terri McGlaughlin), milkweed pod poinsettias (Teena Thornton), perennial exchange, Book Sales, Summer Reading contests, CPR classes presented by Debbie Hensley, 2 Job fairs presented by Accel, monthly Senior Citizen's Library Mornings, Teacher Appreciation Breakfast, Tax Aide by AARP, Summer Reading Kick-off Cook-out, Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health program, Paranormal Scientific Investigators (Donnie Shepherd and Mark Stewart), Art classes (Dianna Hisey), Genealogy Club headed by Earlene Scott, Teddy Bear program by Brenda Armstrong, Sign Language classes by Molly Clevinger, Fishing program by Hurd Latimer, Lavender program by Heal and Debbie Cook, Job searching and resumes by Rob Moffatt, Gardening by Brad Greene, Comic Book collecting by Mark Stewart, Eat Well on Less by Dawna Jo Kiesling, Recycling by Dori Bishop, Program for the Greenfield Missionary Circle, program for the Help Me Grow group of Highland County, poet Ray McNiece.

LEESBURG ADULT PROGRAMS: Ethiopian Culture, RRR Book Group, Investment Club, Soup Exchange, Soccer, Wednesday Club, Painting Class, English Tea, Tutoring, Master Gardener, Manga & Anime, Red Hats, Knit Together, Veterans Day Appreciation Program, Bread Exchange , Christmas Luminaria, Alzheimer’s Programs, Perennial Exchange, Cookie Exchange, Sparx—Teen Book Group, Team Read, Trick or Treat, Retired Teachers, Computer Class with Brenda, Chocolate Tasting, Pumpkin Decorating Contest, Dawna Jo Kiesling-OSU Extension, Teacher Outreach.


LYNCHBURG ADULT PROGRAMS: Scrapbookers, Cross-Stitch Demonstration, Lynchburg Show and Tell, Resume Workshops, Computer Classes, Knit-n-Stitch, Pageturners Book Club, Lynchburg's Civil War Regiment, Adult Summer Reading Club, Ready to Read Sessions I and II, Highland County Anecdotes, Charlotte Pack local history lecture, How to Read to Your Baby, Civil War Women: Fashions and Occupation, third annual Spring Tea, Name That TV Tune, and Christmas Tea.




Nancy Green – Bell Opera House photographs

Jerry Caplinger – Watercolor paintings

Jo Ann White – Oil, watercolor and acrylic paintings

Marilyn Hoaglin – Oil paintings

Barbara Hodge – Oil paintings

Kristi Hensley – Pencil drawings

Margaret Lyons – Oil and acrylic paintings

Dea Flinn – Watercolor paintings and colored pencil drawings

Gretchen Huffman – Oil and acrylic paintings

Jenny Miller – Pencil drawings

Nancy Green – Photographs

Mary Harmon Braun – Mixed media



HILLSBORO: Max Petzold, Bell Opera House items; Diana Harvey, Appalachian Artisans Guild; Black History Month; Les Bower, Masonic display; Barbara Funk, Collectibles; Mother's Day display; Father's Day display; Ben Lander, Leather Carvings; Summer Reading Prizes; Rold Ganahl, Tin Figurines; Linda Fugate, Artisan's Folk Fair; Daniel Benkiel, Antique Keys, Figurines and Milk Glass; Margaret Lyons, Milk Glass.


GREENFIELD: Genealogy research ideas by Earlene Scott, Love Your Library Month display by 6 of our patron families, Teddy Bears by Brenda Armstrong, GAMC Stroke Support Month, Boy Scout Memorabilia by Jake Roe, Constitution Week, Fall Photography by Cheryl Collier, Recycling by Dori Bishop, Healthy Eating by Dawn Jo Kiesling, Christmas Readings and Greetings by the Greenfield Library Staff. Other displays included: Head Start "Week of the Child" art, Art display by the library art class taught by Dianna Hisey and "Picturing America" display from the American Library Association.


LEESBURG: Buckeye Collection, Sharon Aukeman; Trolls, Becky Howard; St. Patrick’s Day, Library Staff; Tea Pots, Library Staff; Summer Reading, Library Staff; Art Display, Leesburg Art Guild; Wizard of Oz, Shelly Tompkins; Worlds Fair, Linda Fugate; Antique Aprons, Shirley Fetters; Artisan Folk Fair, Folk Fair Guild; Merry Money, Library Staff; and Teddy Bears, Shirley Fetters.


LYNCHBURG: Charlotte Pack author visit, Bratz Dolls, pitchers and teapots, Girl Scouts, Cincinnati Reds, Lynchburg Lodge History, China Dolls, Christmas Village, Lynchburg Distillery.




Hillsboro hosted book signings for local author Saundra Crum Akers.


Leesburg hosted a book signing for Pat Haley, author of "The Danes Murders".



Donations and Gifts – 2008


  • Sally Barrere
  • Merchants National Bank
  • Nancy Perin Axmacher
  • J. Allen Stacy
  • Judith Taylor
  • Pam Keaton
  • Altrusa of Highland County
  • New Sabina Industries

Hillsboro Teen Summer Reading Program:

  • Blossoms 'N Buds
  • McCarty Associates
  • Andrea Holt/Ponderosa Restaurant
  • Brunacini & Ross Family Dentistry
  • Magee's restaurant
  • Veterans of Ohio Charities
  • Wilkin-Wilkin Insurance
  • Bagshaw Enterprises
  • Lucas & Clark Family Dentistry
  • Forrest F. Beery
  • McDonald's

Greenfield Branch Library:

  • Wal-Mart
  • VFW Post 4736
  • Greenfield Rotary Club
  • Altrusa
  • Greenfield Lion's Club
  • McDonalds
  • Greenfield Mothers Club
  • Robbins Village Florist
  • Subway
  • KFC/Taco Bell
  • Domino's
  • Star Cinema
  • Karen Wilson

Leesburg Branch Library:

  • The Wednesday Club of Leesburg
  • Leesburg Flagway Gas Station
  • Kay Simmons Insurance
  • 5/3 Bank
  • Leesburg Hardware
  • Poor Bobs Gas Station
  • Leesburg Federal Bank
  • Hickory & Plaid
  • Square One Heating and Cooling
  • Leesburg Meat & Market
  • Candle-lite
  • Pamida
  • New Sabina Industries
  • Frisch’s
  • Sisters Tanning
  • Fat Boys Pizza
  • Dakota’s Roadhouse
  • Highland Lanes
  • Cincinnati Zoo
  • Ohio Renaissance Festival
  • Fetter’s Remodeling
  • Wellers Plumbing & Heating
  • Cincinnati Reds
  • Melissa Lamb
  • Maria Grimm
  • Anna Sellers
  • Susan Miracle
  • Joan Barrett
  • Charlotte Campbell
  • Lois Swesey
  • Adamarie Beatty
  • Betty Sova
  • Haley Tolle
  • Sue Frump
  • David Lewis
  • Elizabeth Stritenberger
  • Teresa Cudkowit

Lynchburg Branch Library:

  • The Rusty Star
  • Jim Higgins
  • Jennifer Lake
  • Christa Moore
  • Liberty Savings Bank
  • Main Street Café
  • The Family Dinner
  • Murphy Hardware
  • Rhonda Allen
  • McDonald's
  • Frisch's
  • Long John Silver's
  • The Wishing Well
  • Star Cinema
  • Home Builders
  • Lynchburg-Clay School District
  • Lukas Pharmacy
  • Lynchburg Antique Mall
  • 5th 3rd Bank
  • Lynchburg Lodge #178
  • 3 Arts Club

Highland County District Library

10 Willettsville Pike
Hillsboro, Ohio 45133
FAX: 937-393-2985